Saturday, July 29, 2006

Kaitlyn is a Super Girl!

Kaitlyn is six years old she was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma Stage IV (At Age 3 and a half) on June the 21st 2003, N-MYC Non-Amplified, unfavourable shimada. With a tumour filling her abdomen, which had spread to her neck, knees, hips and cells in her bone marrow lining, she has been placed on a tough treatment protocol (COG ANBL00P1), which consists of 5 rounds of high dose chemo, surgery to remove as much remaining tumour as possible, two rounds of mega chemo, with Double Stem cell Transplants/rescues, followed by 10 rounds of radiation and six months of Accutane. At diagnosis we were given the terrible odds of less than 20%.

Kaitlyn's current condition - "Stable Calcified Disease remaining" Unfortunately Neuroblastoma is a cancer with an extremely high relapse rate and currently there is no cure. We remain forever hopeful that our girl continues to defy odds and remains "God's Miracle".

Nikki's Notes: Kaitlyn's wonderful mom emailed me today to see if I could add her in on the fun! Here she is! She has some wonderful pictures and links on her Caring Bridge site. She also has some great shots of her and her older sister! Please go visit:


Blogger Rourke said...

Kaitlyn and her mom, Colleen, are our friends from "down under". Colleen is one cool lady. She manages to single parent a whole passel of kids AND deal with Kaity's illness and long term side-effects. There aren't too many people who are tough enough to handle this alone! Neuroblastoma is nasty, but it only increases the love that a parent (or step parent) has for their children. We NEVER take one little thing for granted as we know how precious life is!

7/29/2006 06:41:00 PM  
Blogger nikki the red said...

colleen and kaity sound awesome!! so are you shelly!

7/29/2006 06:47:00 PM  
Blogger Bill Hooker said...

Just thought I'd say hello, since we have an interest in common. I'm Cat's husband Bill, currently helping out behind the scenes on the Blogathon.

I work in a research lab whose primary focus is the MYC gene family, including N-myc in development and neuroblastoma. The experiments I am doing this week, in fact, are designed to figure out whether the N-myc gene is read into one or two proteins in various cellular contexts. Although our lab works on developmental as well as cancer models, our long-term goal is an understanding of MYC genes that will help us to improve cancer treatment. It's a powerful motivator for me to be reminded of the patients waiting for that treatment.

7/29/2006 06:59:00 PM  
Blogger nikki the red said...

That's amazing Bill! Thank you for stopping by!!!!!!

7/29/2006 08:13:00 PM  

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