Sunday, July 30, 2006

Markeira is now NED! [Post #42 6 AM] ["Only" 2 more hours to go!]

Markeira Smith was born on May 16, 2002. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma on 9/7/04 at St Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, TN.

She has received high doses of chemotherapy to shrink the tumor, and she had surgery to remove the tumor on 12/6/04. She received a bone marrow transplant in which she received her own stem cells on 2/9/05. Additionally, she received radiation and 6 months of oral chemo. She is now in remission! Praise God!!

Nikki's Notes: Markeira had a cat scan on the 27th and everything looks great! She is having some problems with her bladder which may be related to the radiation she received to fight her cancer. Please keep her in your thoughts & prayers! You can visit her beautiful Dora site here:


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